Connect to a SQL Database from Python using access token

Ivan Georgiev
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Connecting to a database using username and password is very convenient and easy. There are situations where we have a restriction to use token from Active Directory or Azure Active Directory.

Here is a Python function which you can be used to connect to a SQL Database using access token. I have created and tested it with personal users and service principals in Azure, using Azure Active Directory.

Make it work

How to use Azure Active Directory with the ODBC driver is explained in this article. Based on it, I was able to connect to SQL Database using access token and pyodbc.

To configure the database connection I used environment variables:

import osdb_azure_server = os.environ['DB_SERVER']
db_server = f'{db_azure_server}'
db_database = os.environ['DB_DATABASE']
db_token = os.environ['DB_TOKEN']

Using the token and a few lines of code, I managed to connect and query the Azure SQL Database:

import struct
import pyodbc
exptoken = b'';
for i in bytes(db_token, "UTF-8"):
exptoken += bytes({i});
exptoken += bytes(1);
tokenstruct = struct.pack("=i", len(exptoken)) + exptoken;
conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, attrs_before = { SQL_COPT_SS_ACCESS_TOKEN:tokenstruct })
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT getdate()")
row = cursor.fetchone()

The output from above example :

2021-04-23 08:45:50.153000

Reuse it

To make above code more reusable I wrapped it into a function. The function is adding the attrs_before keyword attribute to be used in a pyodbc.connect call. This approach follows the best software design practices and provides high flexibility and maintainability of the client code.

import structdef add_pyodbc_args_for_access_token(token:str, kwargs:dict=None):
kwargs = kwargs or {}
if (token):
exptoken = b'';
for i in bytes(token, "UTF-8"):
exptoken += bytes({i});
exptoken += bytes(1);
tokenstruct = struct.pack("=i", len(exptoken)) + exptoken;
kwargs['attrs_before'] = { SQL_COPT_SS_ACCESS_TOKEN:tokenstruct }
return kwargs

Full Code

Here is the function code with docstring documentation, which includes function, arguments and return result description along with example how to use it.

import structdef add_pyodbc_args_for_access_token(token:str, kwargs:dict=None):
Add pyodbc.connect arguments for SQL Server connection with token.

Based on

token : str
Access token.
kwargs: dict
Optional kwargs. If not provided, a new dictionary will be created.

Dictionary of pyodbc.connect keyword arguments.

import os
import pyodbc

# Configuration
db_azure_server = os.environ['DB_SERVER']
db_server = f'{db_azure_server}'
db_database = os.environ['DB_DATABASE']
db_token = os.environ['DB_TOKEN']

connect_kwargs = add_pyodbc_args_for_access_token(db_token)
with pyodbc.connect(connection_string, **connect_kwargs) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT getdate()")
row = cursor.fetchone()
kwargs = kwargs or {}
if (token):
exptoken = b'';
for i in bytes(token, "UTF-8"):
exptoken += bytes({i});
exptoken += bytes(1);
tokenstruct = struct.pack("=i", len(exptoken)) + exptoken;
kwargs['attrs_before'] = { SQL_COPT_SS_ACCESS_TOKEN:tokenstruct}
return kwargs

